Truth Planters Podcast
Equipping, Encouraging and Inspiring Christians everywhere to fulfill their God-given calling with powerful teaching from Truth Planters' founder David Steele.
25 episodes
Words Are Not Enough
In perhaps the most challenging episode of the whole series, David reminds us that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of words, but of power. Those who think they know how to speak but do not have the humility, faith and obedience that comes wi...
Season 2
Episode 12

Effective Words
Never underestimate the power of your words. There are many ways that we can use words to bless those around us, further the Kingdom of God, and even change our circumstances or bring deep peace into our hearts. In this episode David looks at 1...
Season 2
Episode 11

The Power of Silence
When we begin to understand how powerful our words are, we can be tempted to think that we should speak more often! However, that's not what wise people do. Often, the wisest thing to do is to keep quiet. In this episode David explains that som...
Season 2
Episode 10

Words That Heal
The Bible says that the tongues of the wise bring healing. That means that when we learn to speak wisely, our words will be bringing healing to those around us. In this episode we're going to look at many examples in the Bible of how healing ca...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Language of the Enemy
Are you fully aware of Satan's devices? Do you know how he works and do you know how to avoid falling into his traps? This episode will give you great insight into how people's lives get destroyed and how they can be restored. Satan loves to us...
Season 2
Episode 8

Speaking the Truth in Love
Do you have somebody in your life who loves you enough to speak the truth to you, even when you don't want to hear it? Do you sometimes struggle to know when or how to correct another person? Perhaps you've tried in the past and been rejected, ...
Season 2
Episode 7

When Others Slander You
Has anybody ever slandered you? Have they spread lies about you or spoken about you in a way that has damaged your reputation? Perhaps you felt the need to try to stop them or to defend yourself? Beware, slander is a trap. If you don't know how...
Season 2
Episode 6

Using Words Wisely
Learning how to speak wisely is like an art. In episode 5 David talks about one of the most important skills a Christian can ever learn - the art of discretion. The wise person speaks with discretion, and those who want to become wise must cons...
Season 2
Episode 5

Gossip and Slander
In one of the most eye-opening episodes of this series, David tackles two of the most destructive things a believer can ever choose to do with their mouths. Gossip and slander destroy relationships, undermine trust, and destroy the unity of the...
Season 2
Episode 4

The Origin of our Words
In episode three David explains where our words come from and how we can change the way we speak. Jesus made it clear that our mouths speak what our hearts are full of, so it's impossible to fix your mouth without addressing the issues of your ...
Season 2
Episode 3

Flawless Words
Imagine being able to speak flawlessly, with words perfectly crafted for every situation. Each one of us has been given complete freedom by God to use whatever words we desire. We can choose to speak truth or lies, words that hurt or words that...
Season 2
Episode 2

Words Change Lives
Increase your wisdom. Speak with new power. Change the world.How effective are your words in bringing powerful change into the lives of others? Prepare to have your heart and your words radically changed as you listen to this series and...
Season 2
Episode 1

Raising Small Children (Bonus)
Is it possible to raise small children and fulfill your calling at the same time? Raising small children can be challenging, and we can sometimes feel like we are being distracted from God's calling on our lives. In this bonus episode, David an...
Season 1
Episode 13

Fully Equipped for Service in God's Kingdom
What equips us for service in God's Kingdom? Is it our education, the number of followers we have on social media, or how much money we have in our bank accounts? Actually it's none of the above. In the final episode of the series, David ...
Season 1
Episode 12

Persevering Through Trials
Do you want your faith to be unshakeable? Trials, challenges and difficulties are part of life. In episode eleven, David explains that rather than holding you back, these things can actually enable you to fulfill your calling more effectively. ...
Season 1
Episode 11

Grace - The Key To Breakthrough
God's grace is much more powerful than you probably realise. In episode ten, David explains how God's grace is not a license for immorality but it's the power we need to overcome sin and human weakness on a daily basis. This revelation has the ...
Season 1
Episode 10

Freedom Through Forgiveness
If you are looking for new freedom in your life and healing from the wounds of the past, this episode is for you! It is incredibly difficult to fulfill your calling while carrying pain from your past. In episode nine, David explains what forgiv...
Season 1
Episode 9

What's Holding You Back?
It is vital that we learn how to overcome the things that could hold us back from fulfilling our calling. In episode eight, David explains what some of those things are (e.g. fear, pride, addictions, idolatry, pain from your past) and how God w...
Season 1
Episode 8

Operating in the Power of the Holy Spirit
In order to fulfill your calling, you will need to learn how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. This means living in such a way that God's power is working through you on a daily basis. This usually happens through using the gifts of t...
Season 1
Episode 7

Knowing Your Personal Calling
One of the greatest keys to fulfilling your personal calling is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit in every decision. In episode six, David explains how we can be led by the Holy Spirit and also protect ourselves from going into deceptio...
Season 1
Episode 6

God's Call On All Believers
Even if you’re not 100% sure what your personal calling is yet, you can start by learning what God’s calling on all believers is. In episode 5, David challenges us all to live the way God has called every Christian to live – loving others, fulf...
Season 1
Episode 5

The Gifts, Service and Work
In episode four, David explains the three-part framework that enables us to fulfill our calling. All of us have a part to play in God’s work on the earth and therefore He calls us, gifts us and opens doors for us to serve Him.
Season 1
Episode 4

Salvation Must Be Genuine
The first step to fulfilling your calling is to receive genuine salvation. In a time when many are preaching a false gospel, we need to ask ourselves, “Am I truly saved?”. In this episode, David explains what the Bible says about salvation and ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Operating Like Jesus
In episode two, David explains how Jesus operated when He was on the earth. Jesus was FULL of the Holy Spirit, LED by the Holy Spirit and operated in the POWER of the Holy Spirit. David highlights the importance of being FULL of the Holy Spirit...
Season 1
Episode 2

Empowered by the Holy Spirit
In episode one, David explains the pattern God uses when He wants to achieve something on the earth and how He empowers and then uses people like us to fulfill His purposes. David encourages us never to limit the plan of God for our lives to wh...
Season 1
Episode 1